Hermes Stores In San Antonio Texas TX
Make a second buttonhole of the same size parallel to the first and the same distance from the lop, 4cm to the right of the first. If possible, place pins away from areas that will be quilted, although pins may be removed as needed when quilting. Mark the openings for the wings and for turning the heart the right way out, and then sew around the edge, see figure A. Hermes Stores In San Antonio Texas TX. Place the fabric pieces with the lining right sides together, fold the strip for the loop over double and place it between the layers at the bottom of the bag. Be careful not to trim any closer than 1" because you wi be adding flip-flop piece 13 along these edges. Most borders for quilts in this book are cut along the more stable lengthwise grain to minimize wavy edges caused by stretching. Hermes Stores In San Antonio Texas TX.