Project Questionnaire
IT Questionnaire

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From the lining fabric, cut out two pieces the size of the from, and three strips the same size as the flannel strips lor the lining base and sides. Pin the wider braid to the right side of the shot silk, with the lower edge of the braid even with the seamlmc joining the shot silk to the velvet. Cut out a piece of fabric for the backing, and a piece of wadding, to the size of 100 x 50cm. Hermes Replica Handbags Leather. Place the hand over the mouth, and stitch down, see the figure below. Stitch the loop on to the neck behind the top of the snowmans head. With right sides together, raw edges even, and the lining extended as shown, pin the long edges of the whole piece together. Hermes Replica Handbags Leather.

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