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To help in counting the second cycle of Hearts, the 14th pair from the top, which has the Ace of Hearts face up as the lower card, is pencil marked on the back with a small dot in its upper left and lower right corners. Unlike its bigger brother, the Spirit Paintings, this trick can be done close up for intimate audiences— and is all the greater for it. Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Replica. Put your left hand behind your back and ask him to reach behind you and, with his left hand, cut off a bunch of cards. Once the performer catches sight of the figure being drawn he reproduces it on the edge of the slate, via the thumb nail writer, as well as he is able under the circumstances. Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Replica. Next a number is named aloud and while it is being counted to, you do the same with your duplicate deck and remove the card. Then insert a small sheet-metal screw, but make sure that it's not so long that it interferes with the tail-rotor drive system. Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Replica.

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