Project Questionnaire
IT Questionnaire

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Place flip-flop piece 3 right side down on the unprinted Fabric Side of the foundation Align the piece so that the first leg (highlighted in green on the Highlighted Instructional Block) can be sewn. In Flip-Flop Paper Piecing the sewing is done on both the Printed and the Fabric sides. For added stability, place a piece of notebook paper under the two foundations as you sew this seamline. Replica Hermes Products. It is often possible to use a single technique described in one of the preceding chapters and just repeat and repeat and repeat it throughout the block. Starting at the corner (piece 1) and going out toward each end provides a raw-edge-free surface at Point B for the application of flip-flop piece 13. A good quality stuffing should not form lumps too easily, nor be too smooth, but somewhere in between. Replica Hermes Products.

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