Project Questionnaire
IT Questionnaire

Replica Hermes Birkin 35cm

Fold in the seam allowance, and tack on the strip about 1cm (Vnn) from the top edge, see figure A. Fold binding over to quilt backing and pin in place, covering stitching line. Once the strip has been sewn all around the edge of the hanging, fold it over and stitch it down on the back, see figure D. Replica Hermes Birkin 35cm. Pin the wider braid to the right side of the shot silk, with the lower edge of the braid even with the seamlmc joining the shot silk to the velvet. Sew pieces 3-5 exactly as you sewed piece 2 (Step 2), starting and stopping precisely at each Point B. These pieces are constructed from a single strip set prepared before you do any sewing on the foundation. Replica Hermes Birkin 35cm.

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