Project Questionnaire
IT Questionnaire

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Routine: Ask any spectator to assist you, hand him the two decks and ask him to choose one and place it in his pocket till later. To be specific the Clubs are the two, seven and Jack; the Diamonds are the ten and Queen; the Hearts are the Ace, nine and King, and the Spade is the eight. Louis Vuitton Replica Purses For Cheap. Tell him that you arc thinking of a card in the deck and that he is to look you directly in the eye and remember well the first card that enters his mind. Your selection has been made by chance with no conscious liking for any card, or my will-power influencing you. Louis Vuitton Replica Purses For Cheap. The first spectator comes forward and his card is found by apparent muscle reading. The medium, notwithstanding the fact that she is seated with her back to the audience, takes the slate and chalk and immediately inscribes on the slate the name of the chosen card. Louis Vuitton Replica Purses For Cheap.

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